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Sending Documents

The purpose of thisThis guide is towill walk you through securely sharingsending confidential and/or private documents whensecurely to a George & Bell representative.representative through the LiquidFiles service.


After a George & Bell representative has initiated a File Request, you will receive an email requesting that you upload any discussed documents. To start the process, please click Send Requested Files.


Feel free to write a message back to the George & Bell representative. To upload the documents, please either drag-and-drop the files over the Drop Files Here section or select Add Files... 

Please note the total size of all documents may not exceed 10GB and the following extensions are blocked: exe, vbs, pif, bat, cmd, com and cpl.


If the files have been successfully attached, they will appear at the bottom of the page. Please check and confirm the correct files are attached.


When ready, select Send to send the files to the George & Bell representative. The LiquidFiles service will upload all selected files.


Once all files have been successfully uploaded, The following message will be displayed:


The George & Bell representative will start the process by providing you with the following email message.


Please click on the provided link to start the process of uploading and sharing your documents securely with George & Bell.


To add files you wish to share, please either:

  • Drag and drop them over the "Drop Files Here" section of the website.
  • Select Add Files and choose the files you wish to share.

Please note, you may only upload files smaller than 1GB in size. Additionally some extensions such as .exe are blocked and cannotnow be uploaded.


Feel free to add an optional message withinthat the message field if you so desire. Once all files have been uploaded selectand Sendare to submit the documents to George & Bell.available.